Time for a New Toothpaste?

Triclosan, an antibacterial chemical, found in Colgate Total Toothpaste is now under the spotlight…While it is FDA approved (1997), the toothpaste is currently under scrutiny due to triclosan’s potential link to cancer cell growth and disrupted development in animals (Bloomberg News). In light of newer research and consumer pressure, many companies (like Johnson & Johnson and Proctor & Gamble) are vowing to remove triclosan from their lineup. Colgate, however, is standing by their product and its effectiveness and safety.So what’s the deal? Should we all stop using Colgate Total Toothpaste?Well, here’s the facts:

  1. Colgate Total Toothpaste is the only toothpaste in the US with the ingredient Triclosan, and it is FDA approved (1997).
  2. That FDA approval, however, was based off research sponsored by Colgate (which leads to the question: was there a conflict of interest?)  And some of that research was hidden from the public until a recent lawsuit.
  3. Triclosan is not just found in Colgate Total, but also over 200 products… including hand soap, rugs, and pet food dispensers.

 So, until more research is done, triclosan’s direct potential impact on people is still a big question mark. And since we, as humans, are exposed to dozens of chemicals all the time, proving the link of one substance to one disease is very difficult.But with that said, if triclosan sounds scary to you, then just switch toothpastes. Luckily for us, there are a million other toothpastes on the shelf. And since Colgate Total is the only toothpaste with triclosan, you have lots of other options to choose  :)


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